
How To Have A Fantastic Email Marketing With Minimal Spending

Once labeled as an outdated marketing channel, Email Marketing still surpasses other mediums with its promotional capabilities. Certainly, there are other effective and efficient channels to reach to your customers such as social media. Nevertheless, email usage forecasted to grow by 4.6 billion by 2025 makes Email Marketing still the most admired marketing channel.

Mariam Ifthikhar

What is Email Marketing?

By 2024, 4481% people or ‘potential customers’ will use emails so why not to take the best route towards a lifelong customer loyalty. Before delving on how, lets understand what exactly Email Marketing is. Have you ever received an email pertaining to the services a brand delivers? If so, you have experience Email Marketing. Email Marketing is a marketing strategy to promote your services or products.

Email Marketing is a way to engage viewers with your brand’s USP. Firms all around the world capitalize upon Email Marketing to get to the right customer at the right time with the best product. Thus, it is an effective strategy to display product/service attributes, get leads and attain lifelong customer trust.

Email Marketing is a direct marketing channel digitalized to inform your potential customers about your brand’s existence and value proposition. Other than creating brand awareness and accurate positioning, strong relationship building and generating traffic is also attained.

Still stuck on whether to use Email marketing? Here are the some benefits of Email marketing

1-Multiply your market reach with NO cost with Email Marketing

The biggest advantage of email marketing is its no cost policy. You don’t need to pay for printing, posting and answering to customer’s query. Do you waste hefty amount by printing your brand on newspapers, magazines or other social media channels? Why not take a free route? Marketers have invested in specialized software to digitalize their email generation. They have implemented AI chatbots to lessen their burden of sending thousands of emails. Hence, a low or near to no cost strategy to increase your reach.


90% of web designers agree that web design trends are changing faster than ever before!

2-Email Marketing skyrockets your revenue and ROI

Don’t you want to increase your revenue by £29bn yearly? If so, then Email Marketing is the solution. Email Marketing is a rare platform that reduces the sales funnel in just two clicks. With getting near to their desired products in two clicks, readers are motivated to make an impulse purchase.

You can even create personalized campaigns with the use of psychographic data collected. Hence, a personalized segmentation experience increases revenue by 760%.Firms operate with the sole purpose to increase their ROI and so Email Marketing jumps to help them. The ROI gained from email is £35 for every £1 spent.

3-Avoid being an uninvited guest and measure your success.

Never forget that you are a guest in your potential customer’s inbox. It is mandatory to not only behave good but also to treat your host in the best manner. When your customers provide their email, they are basically opening doors for interaction. Thus, being invited is more engaging than popping up and getting spammed.

Measuring your effectiveness is another important element. Email Marketing allows you to measure your leads and guides you to increase them. Tracking your conversation rates and getting guidance on your sale pitch is by far the most important tool for a sales personal.

Strategies and Tools for an Optimized Email Marketing

1-Customized your message

No body wants a random email. The core concept behind personalization is sending email in accordance with reader. Instead of sending email with “Dear all”, a more convincing manner would be to personalize it. Start with your reader’s name like “Dear Alice”. Addressing the person in the subject line would induce them to open doors for association. Thus, personalization works best especially for inducing a call to action. Alone personalization can generate $20 for every $1 invested with 47% messages opened due to their customized subject.

Email service providers, such as constant contact or sendinblue, ease the hassle of remembering the reader’s name. These automated software customizes your message and implements marketing campaigns the way your readers want. Sendinblue is best for small scale business due to its SMS, CRM or Live chat services. Moreover, Hyperise is the best personalization tool that enables you to insert personalized images on every message. The tool even displays pictures of your viewers from their social media automatically.

Entering your viewer’s name is just one manner ,there are other ways for personalization as well. Backlinks, for instance, provides the required authority to you and aids in gaining trust. Secondly, shifting from no reply to real reply is another way to engage future customers and know what their demands. Thirdly, providing contact information can really turn the tables with inducing customers to make a purchase and gain trust over your brand.

2-Send a mobile optimized message

61% emails were opened this year and revenue generated via mobile is 4x higher than desktop. By making your email mobile friendly, the chance of getting leads increases. One way to implement it is through Responsive Email Design (RED). REDs are used to enhance the customer’s experience by an gadget by its optimum functionality. Secondly, abridge the subject lines by jotting down some solutions and insert a call to action as snippet text to enhance effectiveness. To track your progress via traditionally or through mobile, you can use Litmus. Litmus enables you test your email template on 70+ clients and devices in seconds.

3-Use Transactional Emails

Behavioral emails are user- friendly messages, automatically sent, based on the behavior of the viewer. Automated triggering email triggers 15x CTR with 18x more profit. About 20% firms use it so it is wise to use them to strengthen your customer relationship. Depending on your viewer’s behavior, you can send an activation message for first time viewers by demonstrating your product attributes. Win back messages are most suitable for retiring customers so that they can utilize the subscriptions again. Hence allowing you to lengthen the growth curve. Similarly, astonish your customers by sending a surprise message to gain loyalty and enhance usage for example, great deals or discounts that trigger an impulse purchase.

4-Message from 8pm till Midnight or on Weekends.

When exactly to send message? Study reveals that the best open rate and sales starts from 8pm till midnight. Similarly the same study found that Saturdays and Sundays are the prime days to send messages. Bloating their inbox is certainly not a good idea. Therefore, setting days and time will help viewers to stay engage and stay excited about your offerings. Thus sending messages at the correct time is another way to ensure not being spammed. Similarly MailGenius is an excellent tool. The tool looks out for spamming and ensures your message’s safe landing. Moreover, GlockApp is another delivery service tool that navigates the exact location of your message in the viewer’s email.

Leading Email Marketing Platforms


An affordable lead generation tool that aids in creating landing pages, forms and Email Marketing to engage clients. Thus, Mailmunch helps to strength and widen the customer base by providing all under one roof. Its A/B testing, drip campaigns, high deliverables and dashboards not only ease your work but also measures your campaign. Although, Mailmunch doesn’t cater complex drip campaigns but its core offering, that is, lead capture is most vital element of Mailmunch .

2- ActiveCampaign

Another cost effective all in one platform ,ActiveCampaign provides Email Marketing services with its automated triggering email features along with a CRM function. Furthermore, with its split test automation and sales CRM, it is efficient with respect to mechanized email marketing. Though the Lite plan does not include CRM or A/B testing but it is still suitable for small B2B for quality Email Marketing along with nearly all aspects of Mailmunch.

3- Mailchimp

A digital based platform that takes all your hassle of downloading a heavy software away. It is utilized as a website. Along with automated email and logistical services, Mailchimp also provides analytical service. Furthermore, it provides free and easy templates, uncomplicated website development, accurate customer profiles along with all essential features required.


Aweber is also an email Marketing platform suitable for creating list, designing newsletter and automating you email process. Moreover this free version has key resources for an optimum email marketing experience. Hence, it’s straight forward, in built land page along with AMP feature makes it stand out from many other software.

Summing up

Indeed, Email Marketing is an important tool to convert your promotional message into an effective and recurring transaction. However, with transformed market needs, it is highly significant to be adaptive. Email marketing that worked years ago cannot work in the same way in this modern era. Thus, utilizing tools, strategies and platforms, suitable for your firm, is a cost effective way to generate leads and widen your customer base.

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