
Amazon Advertising



While advertising through Amazon is a seemingly easy transition for most marketers since many advertising options are similar to other platforms, brands are often lost as to where to start! Shobi Solutions has curated a proven Amazon strategy that has been used to grow hundreds of brands online!

New Store Development

Before you can even begin to address paid advertising, a proper foundation must first be established. The team at Shobi carefully curates your Amazon store based on extensive research, planning, and eCommerce experience. The team ensures that your store provides the best experience, and reach compared to your competitors.

Not only does the Shobi team ensure your images are keyword rich and full of great reviews, but the team is full of creative design experts that can curate wonderful storefronts that align with corporate brand standards.

Paid Sponsorship

Sponsored Brands are also on a PPC cost structure – an option for budgets of all sizes. An additional benefit to Sponsored Brands is the ability for unique reporting capabilities that feature new-to-brand (or new customer) metrics and total first-time sales over a 12 month period for better insight into new customer acquisitions. To display unique and memorable branding along with a cohesive total experience for consumers, the Shobi Solutions creative team can help improve or develop customized branding for any client.

Customer Retention

When brands invest in Amazon Advertising, customers are not only able to find a single product that they are looking for, but can discover a new brand that they love – building loyalty. This means that your investments are not just driving a purchase, but a customer for life!

But how do brands do this? With agencies such as Shobi, there are 2 core pillars that are critical post-purchase:

  1. Review monitoring – Once a user leaves a review, thank them! Users love to see customer appreciation. On the other hand, users hate to see negative reviews, but Amazon has been plagued with fictitious reviews. An Amazon ad agency such as Shobi can help combat these and ensure your reputation is accurate!
  2. Q&A Engagement – Users have questions! Shobi is there to ensure your users are comfortable with your product, are well informed, and ultimately purchase.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

The team at Shobi Solutions can support facilitating Amazon customer service improvements by facilitating the process of getting approved for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), secure Prime-eligibility, and monitor reviews to ensure customers are satisfied throughout their entire experience.

As the user’s propensity to wait for delivery continues to decline. Prime-eligible brands consistently outperform those that use standard shipping. The Shobi Solutions team can help work through Amazon’s approval and ensure all consumers are satisfied with their shopping experience! As a result, Shobi Solutions will monitor the great reviews that customers will give, and manage any faulty reviews accordingly!

So How Can I Start?

Clearly, dipping your toe in Amazon Advertising is easier said than done. Shobi Solutions ensures from store development to transaction, you have the support you need to scale. If you are interested in Amazon Advertising or interested in developing the best strategy for your brand, contact Shobi Solutions today to speak to an expert!


When all is said and done, performance is what matters and our team at Shobi Solutions understands that. We have compiled just a few of the many success stories that have led to a retention rate of over 95%! Check out a few. We’d be happy to talk you through the details!

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