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How Whatsapp is competing Intercom

Intercom and WhatsApp Business are both popular messaging platforms that offer businesses a range of features to communicate with customers. Here’s a detailed comparison of the two tools:

  1. Pricing:
  • WhatsApp Business is a free app for small businesses, but it offers additional features for a fee. Pricing varies based on the country and region, but it generally ranges from $0.005-$0.09 per message sent.
  • Intercom offers a range of plans, starting at $39/month for the Essential plan, with pricing increasing based on the number of active users and features needed. Intercom also offers a free trial to test the product before purchasing.
  1. Features:
  • WhatsApp Business offers several features to help businesses communicate with customers, including text messaging, voice notes, voice and video calls, group chats, automated messaging, and messaging statistics. Businesses can also create chatbots to automate responses to frequently asked questions.
  • Intercom offers a suite of features, including live chat, targeted messaging based on user behavior and demographics, automated messaging, chatbots, and a help center for self-service customer support. Intercom also provides reporting and analytics tools to help businesses track customer satisfaction and support performance.
  1. Integration:
  • WhatsApp Business can be integrated into a business’s existing systems using an API, allowing businesses to automate messaging, integrate with CRMs, and manage customer data.
  • Intercom integrates with a wide range of business tools, including CRMs, ecommerce platforms, and marketing automation tools. This makes it easy for businesses to manage customer support across multiple channels.
  1. Customer engagement:
  • WhatsApp Business provides an easy way for businesses to engage with customers, as many customers are already familiar with the app and use it for personal communication.
  • Intercom offers a range of tools to engage with customers, including targeted messaging based on user behavior and demographics, chatbots, and a help center for self-service support. Intercom also provides features to personalize customer experiences, such as customer segmentation and targeting.

In summary, while WhatsApp Business is primarily a messaging app, Intercom is a comprehensive customer messaging and support platform that offers a suite of features to help businesses manage customer support across multiple channels. While both tools provide automated messaging and chatbot features, Intercom provides a broader range of customer engagement features and integration options for businesses. However, WhatsApp Business may be more accessible to customers who are already familiar with the app, making it a convenient option for small businesses looking to get started with messaging-based customer support.

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