Marketing & Branding

Four Innovative Strategies and Tools to Improve Your SEO

Here’s a beginner’s guide related to the Best SEO Strategies and Tools to optimize your content. An easy guide to get yourself ranked #1 on search engine result page

Maryam Iftikhar

Created a high quality websites for restaurants but couldn’t generate enough leads? Ensured quality of the content and made the website interactive but still none viewed or clicked your page? Despite of writing about best go to restaurants of all nations, food enthusiasts never once clicked your “all under one roof” site? Think whether your website is even visible to the 63.3 million people in search about restaurants? Is your website even ranked on the first page where 75% audience intends to stay. Optimize your website for SEO forthwith to make your presence in the world!

What is SEO?

In simple terms, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of attracting more viewers towards your website. Suppose you wrote an article on “AI MARKETING” and want your target audience to click it. One way is to call them. A traditional method wasting cost , energy, time and efficiency. Moreover, the reach will be less. The other, far reaching , cost effective, time saving and effective way is to optimize it . Use SEO tool to optimize the article so that it is ranked just under the paid section (inorganic section). In this way , without forcing and begging people, your article will be the first one to be viewed by masses. In fact SEO can take your article’s reach from 500 to 500 million+ in days.

Why SEO ?

Usage of SEO tools enable search engines to know that your article has the best answer for the keyword typed. Thus, ranking the article on the first or the second in the search result , attaining the most clicks and generating leads is SEO. The prime motive is to generate more traffic, win more leads, convert your audience into reliable and loyal customers. Also letting existing customers indulge in repeated sales by showcasing the latest launches. All this in an organic manner that means it involves NO COST AT ALL. With around 85000 searches every second, 67.6% clicks were on the first 5 organic results on the first page alone.

70-80% viewers don’t even click on paid advertisements indicating triple leads towards your organic article but then again , how to optimize? What strategies and tools to use for optimizing ? let’s solves this puzzle too.

Strategies and Tools for SEO

1-Study your Competition

The key is to know about your competitor’s best pages. What is so special about them ?Their key strategies? The key topics they wrote upon? Developing your own strategies after understanding the reason for high clicks on the website you compete against would benefit you. One constructive strategy is to know what keywords have your competitors written about. Make a list of the backlinks your competitors have used. Moreover, search about from where exactly the organic traffic is landing on their pages. From their target audience till the comments section , scan their best pages. This will enable you to understand about your next great move.

How to find all about competitors? Use SEMrush to know about the website you compete against. Simply enter their URL in the SEMrush ‘s organic search tool and know every tiny detail of them. Other than SEMrush , tools such Google Alert is incredible to know about the backlink they acquired. Furthermore , Ubersuggest is another tool you can use to get all the required information .Another tool, Owletter, lets you track your competitor’s email.

2-On-page SEO Strategy and Tools

On page refers to the optimization of your content. The content on your website is optimized to improve visibility and traffic. There are certain things that help you to improve On page optimization such as,

Begin your heading with a keyword and use <H1> tags

The basic strategy is to write about the subject searched the most. For instance, if marketing is your domain , pick a niche that is searched the most . Entering the keyword in your heading would help google bots to know what the article is about .Similarly, keeping <H1>as the heading tag will further highlight about the article’s keyword making it easy for search engine to comprehend it.36% SEO experts consider headlines as the core element of SEO .Thus, tools such as SEMrush’s keyword over viewer, Ahrefs or even exploding topics are some good tools that your can make use of for keyword hunt.

Write quality content using links ,<H2>tags and images

The next thing to focus is the relevancy of your content. Repeatedly including the keyword in the first 100 words and using <H2> tags are two elements that can make your content easily readable by search engines. Moreover, writing relevant content can help reduce the bounce back rate making google bots realize about the importance of your content. Moreover create internal links. The clickable hyperlinks added takes the audience towards your sites’ other posts .This generates traffic as people will click your other pages using the link already in the current post. Thus, the more links you enter, the more search engine believe that your page is imperative. This will make search engine rank your website higher on SERP.

Furthermore adding images with your keyword written in the image file name is also another way to seek search engines attentions .The highlighted keyword in alt text would again enable search engine to detect your article and improve its ranking. Thus, for content writing ,tools such Frase, INK , Surfer SEO along with WriteZen are some of the best content tool that can lead to higher optimization for SEO.

Improve Search Description and your URL

Another important factor google crawlers look for is the Meta description presented on your website. The description provides a summary of your article which increases the click through rate eventually your ranking. Hence writing compelling, unique and interesting meta description is an important SEO strategy. Another element is to write your keyword in the URL so that it is easy for google to understand your page and enhance CTR in an organic manner. Therefore tool like Seobility checker and Google SERP snippet optimization tool can ease this pain of yours. just enter your URL and the checker would show you ways to improve your ranking.


Website users look at the top left corner of your website first, Website viewers spend 80% of their time looking at the left half of your pages

3-Off Page SEO Strategy and Tools

Understand that alone cntent cant make your content Off page SEO refers to the ways through which website can be promoted without directly meddling within your website. Thus the off the page activities undertaken to improve your search engine’s ranking is off page SEO. Some strategies can upgrade your site such as

Create Backlinks for maximum authority.

#1 ranking pages have 3.8x more backlinks than those in positions 2-10. Backlinks are the outbound links that you cite in your article. The links you enter take the audience to cited site. This provides authority to you over google search engines. By having another site citing your article, google would be then signaled that another relevant source finds your article worthy enough to be ranked higher. Backlinks are the most important strategy for SEO as due to quality backlinks , google crawlers basically crawl into your site via a trusted and a reliable source .Over 66.31% pages have no backlinks due to which they are not even considered for optimization. Thus, the higher the domain authority, the more link juice would make your website sweet to google .Thus backlinking , whether natural or created, is the core element of the off page SEO.


Why don’t you kill two birds with one tool? Acquire reputation and generate links. By becoming guest bloggers ,you are writing for another website but that particular websites allows to link your blog with your site. Either in the post or in the author’s bio section, just enter your site’s link and that’s it. Not only through that reputed site , you will gain reputed but also , audience will increase click on your website as well. Thus, leading to optimization. Tools such as MozBar or BuzzStream are excellent for guest posting.

Use Social Media

The basic principle is to spread the link of your website on platforms that are famous and are crowded. In short, the more the audience come in contact with your link , the more chances for your website to welcome audience. Although search engine don’t usually account social media for SEO but social media is a great help to boost local SEO. It increases your brand reputation and your visibility across various platforms

4-Technical strategies and tools for SEO

Another important domain for SEO is Technical SEO strategies for indexing and crawling phase. The Technical SEO strategies enable search engine to access ,crawl and even index your content. Strategies such as specifying your content’s domain ,optimizing Robots.txt and even your URL structure etc. can aid search engine to optimize your article for SEO .Tools such WebsiteGrader, Google Webmaster and even Screaming Frog can walk you through the whole technical SEO process.

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