
Five Reasons For Falling In Love With AI Marketing And How To Use It?

Wilderness is not a luxury, but a necessity for the human spirit

Maryam Ifthikhar

Do you think that your needs are being taken care of despite of sitting alone? If yes, then you have witnessed the magic of Artificial Intelligence (A.I). For a rookie, A.I is simply making human like software programmed to make human-like decisions. A.I depicts and acts on the behavioral response to cognitions and emotions of its creators; humans. In other words, the programmed machine assist its’s creators in achieving the best decision-making abilities with minimum losses. Therefore, 83% of businesses overall have declared to make AI marketing their topmost priority.

What is Artificial Intelligence Marketing(AI marketing)?

AI Marketing is an amalgamation of various AI technologies to assist in making mechanized decisions based on raw data. Customer relation management software, enterprise resource planning software and alike are used to provide relevant data. Thus, the scattered data cannot be utilized to make any potent decision about sales, customer or the market in aggregate until the use of AI makes it simple by its automated predictive analytical models. AI converts the data into meaningful information based on what decision makers decide their next step. Thus, AI Marketing enables the marketers to make informed decisions with providing insight of the outcomes associated with each decisions. AI, therefore, not only provide the confidence in decisions, but also, saves marketers from unforeseen hazards. Assisting firms to make decisions based on automated data collections and converting it into meaningful content saves time, expenses and aids in predicting future of their actions.

5 Reasons to adore AI Marketing and Ways to Implement it

AI marketing automates and improves the time-consuming tasks of collecting customer data, initiating marketing campaigns, implementing, measuring and rectifying the human errors. All this to enable you to spend time in the most important service as a marketer – satisfy your customers. To help you ,I have listed five ways and reasons in which you can implement and convince others to incorporate AI marketing.

1-Reduce Marketing Cost for Maximum Return on Investment through AI Marketing

Every customer is unique with different psychological mechanisms and habits. Varied emotional, cognitive, and behavior patterns often make marketers land in deep waters for unsuccessful sales. Sending the same message to every customer not only wastes time but also requires extra effort and cost. Further increasing the threat of unsuccessful sales because 76% of more than 2200 customers want distinctiveness while 75% buyers want the firm to be prepared about their preferences even before they demand them.

AI with its A(i)LIVE by Hall & Partners collects data from Dynata and augments the segmentation process. Aiding businesses to adapt to the changed needs, varied preferences and get trendy in advance. Hence, the software inaugurated using machine learning and artificial intelligence converts the inaccurate segmentation into personalized and accurate segmentation. Thus, AI marketing aids firms to have a better insights into customer portfolios and predicting their next move accurately.

Adoption of AI technology requires aligning your current and previous marketing efforts. Hence, google analytics and behavior analytic tools are capitalized upon to automate customer behavior analysis. These cost marketers less as compared to the traditional manner. Thereby, saving marketing cost and attaining maximum return from the one time investment.


80% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that offer personalized website experiences!

2- Stop Wasting Time Tracking Marketing Campaign by Incorporating AI Marketing.

Marketers are working endlessly, that is, 16 hours of the week in trivial tasks such as pondering over existing and next marketing campaigns and their impact. In taking this unnecessary pressure, the employees deviate from their main duty- strong customer and team relationship. This exacerbates mental and physical stress as they waste time in guessing the pros and cons of their efforts. Being clueless about the impact of their campaign and the exact campaign is a traumatic with brand image and reputation at risk. National Geographic’s Einstein bots has gathered world’s fame by creating awareness excitement and market for their Genius show . The Einstein programmed bot not only talks like him but also answers to any of the questions the users once dreamed of asking Einstein. AI has made this marketing campaign and revival of Einstein possible.

Therefore, 85% of the companies have made use of AI to gain competitive advantage with respective to being a trend setters in campaigns while 75% of the marketing companies have noted a 10 % rise in customer satisfaction.

The use of AI advertisement-related software such as Adobe advertising cloud, Albert, Sizmek and many more can help you to flourish. A.I helps marketing firms to know the 5 dimensions of their predictive marketing. With Pathmatics software, you can even have details about your competitor’s next big move by gaining industrial insights. In a nutshell, A.I enables your firm to select the best marketing campaigns with no guess work on its impacts. Furthermore, by revealing the competitor’s efforts, it highlights your USP over the industry enabling you to surpass the industry in an efficient manner.

3-Optimize your Sale Force through Digitalization.

Is your Sales teams often unsatisfied or clueless? It is because they are either assigned banal work with no possible outcome or not timely informed about their prospects. With progress in AI, the possibility of predicting sales force requirements become utmost easy. Furthermore, AI marketing enables employees to know their next task automatically making it easier to stay aligned and retained. Moreover, the hassle of monitoring individual employee saves time, effort and provides a sense of autonomy to the employee.

Automation has led to a 15% increase in sales productivity. Thus, you should forecast the key KPI’s such as conversion rate, cost per acquisition, retention rate to have a better know-how about the sales force and avoid the lengthy process of documenting the task and performance on registers.

4-Enrich your Customer’s Experience.

Are you there for your customers every time they wish to talk to you? Are your customers complaining that your company slacks in responding? Well, you are not alone in this important dilemma. About 93% customer make repeated purchase when good customer service is provided. Therefore, AI Chatbots are the answer to the dilemma. AI chatbots not only are swift to respond but also answer in the same manner like a sales person would. This makes it appear as if the customer is talking to actual sales representative at any time of any day. Replying via AI to your customers as soon as they message would not only surprise them of the speedy reply but also, strengthen your relation with them into a loyal one!

To start with, use a customized version of the chatbots and modify them by incorporating the key phrases your firm uses. In fact, tailor them in performing demos along with providing links and forms to the customer. In addition, alter the chatbot to guide on the similar product attributes, that the customer might want, already depicted by the AI in the system.

5- Get the Best Content Marketing Experience.

With the creation of 2.5 quintillion bytes worth data annually, the content writing industry will reach 500 marks in 5 years. The content creators, thus, not only have to be creative but also produce engaging content. The game doesn’t ends at just writing engaging content. If the audience has no clue of your best article or website, the weeks are waisted! AI jumps in to protect the firms and content creators again. Platforms like HubSpot, Concurred, BrightEdge and Software like CRM has removed the threat of outdated topic selection along with tedious content is removed. With AI’s SEO tools, not only your efforts will be ranked on the best sites but also the target market will multiply. Thus, With AI Content Generator , the trouble and painstaking task of writing an appealing content is removed altogether with Zyro AI Content Generator writing your content for you.

Yahoo, fox and Washington post are gaining momentum partly via the bots for content creation. AI is the secret ingredient to speedy and accurate update along with acquiring latest information. Alone Washington post incorporated AI bots for automated content creation in 2016 and was able to publish 850 article the same year with accuracy and winning content .

Why go though all the trouble of spending weeks in selecting the right words or an attractive tagline when AI can do this in minutes? Thus, AI enables you to save money, time, effort and produce an enrich content to win your visitors. Won’t you like clicks on your website and 5 star rating as compared to your competitor’s? AI has made it possible.

For more news and awesome content Bank Rate has something to say about A.I and Marketing.

In a nutshell..

Your foremost obligation is to serve the customer with minimum unsuccessful sales and budget to get the maximum return. “The Best Marketer” is the label nearly every marketer dream for. Well, digitalization is the name of the growth ladder towards that label. Whoever understands the bridge between AI marketing and endless opportunities and growth is safe and will excel. Though having AI marketing is expensive but being a onetime purchase would reduce the overall recurring expenses. Alongside AI services like that offered by Spectre management would help marketers gain optimum efficiency, faster and accurate data analysis, best decision-making ability along with allowing your employees and you to excel in an area AI lacks- being creative. So, isn’t it worth relying on?

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